The miracle of Luke's immaculate conception singles him out above mere mortals, but it's the terrifying beauty of the strange and seductive Malchus that seals Luke's fate and sends him flying into battle for heavenly and terrestrial domination! In a war that must be waged until death, two brothers endlessly slash at the powerful ties of their shared royal lineage. Will Luke step aside and allow the determined Malchus to rule, or will he ultimately rise up and lay claim to an infinite domain?
9th Sleep is the gateway to a fantastic realm of feuding brothers, the quest for eternal dominion and the unbreakable bonds of real love. Luke and Malchus are undeniably drawn together, but the very bloodline that binds them also defines their epic struggle for the mightiest throne of all... a throne that only one may rightfully claim. When bitter darkness threatens to consume the dying light, will all hope for life be extinguished?