Aprende a disfrutar de la vida gracias a esa guía de salud integral que te ayudará a tener una buena forma física, corregir tu dieta y a vencer las presiones del mundo moderno. Examina tus hábitos diarios, la manera de comer y de dormir e introduce pequeños pero importantes cambios en tu estilo de vida para disfrutar de energías renovadas y recuperar tu sonrisa. Aprende todos los trucos para transformarte en una persona más sana y más feliz.
Este es un libro para la edad moderna en la cual las exigencias de los amigos,
de la familia y del trabajo amenazan con absorbernos a todos.
In Health Secrets you will find simple and practical ideas for improving your daily life with the use of common sense.
Kate Cook encourages us to review our lifestyle and make small, yet significant changes in order to achieve a healthier existence. And, you do not need costly equipment or excess time to achieve this. You simply need a desire to do it and some common sense.
Learn to enjoy life with this complete health guide that will help you get in shape, correct your diet, and overcome the pressures of modern life. Revise your daily routine as well as your eating and sleeping habits and introduce small, but important changes in your lifestyle so that you can enjoy increased energy and recuperate your smile. In sum, learn all the tricks for transforming yourself into a healthier and happier person.